The main research goal of the Networked Intelligent Systems (NIS) cluster is to bridge the gap between theoretical/algorithmic techniques and their practicality in real-world networked systems. Participation of multiple and disparate disciplines and the multidisciplinarity nature of NIS are an essential aspect of who we are as a cluster. In that sense, dissemination and communication between researchers and the NIS centers is one of our most valuable resources and the annual NIS workshop the flagship of the NIS environment.

This year, the NIS Workshop will take place on the 14th July 2021 and will be a fully virtual event dedicated to our research and youngest researchers, addressing recent advances in theory, methodologies and applications. The NIS Workshop will be in a one-day conference format. All NIS PhD students are thus invited to submit an abstract of their recent work, including recent methodologies, results or promising future approaches under development. The most prominent works of NIS PhD students will then be selected for oral presentation on the day of the NIS Workshop.

Save the date and register as soon as possible!